We envision a garden community in Kitchissippi that:
Supports relationships, mental health and well being; This garden community is supported through a physical space where people can gather, garden together and hold events.
Stewards the environment, provides connection with nature, and restores relationships with the land (birds, flowers, trees, insects); the space is beautiful, operations are sustainable (including water source).
Provides opportunities to give (e.g., donating to the community fridge), and receive;
Is inclusive and diverse; Indigenous people and values are included; there is diversity in income, age, ethnicity, gender, culture, religion, abilities, gardening approaches
Provides opportunity to educate and learn in community: on gardening, food, and other related topics.
Where is the Garden located?The Goldenrod Community Garden is located at the north end of Tunney’s Pasture, just west of the Parkdale Ave. exit from the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway, on land leased from the NCC, between Goldenrod Driveway and the SJAM.
Who runs the Garden?The Goldenrod Community Garden is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors supported by a number of committees.
Who can garden here?The garden welcomes members from communities in the Kitchissippi area including Hintonburg, Mechanicsville, Champlain Park and Westboro.
What does the Garden look like?Due to the nature of our lease agreement with Just Food and the NCC, garden plots are in above-ground raised beds. The beds are made of hemlock wood, lined with landscape cloth, and filled with organic soil. Some of the beds have been designed for accessibility. Garden beds are laid out in a grid around water tanks, compost bins and a small shed. View the garden layout.
How big is the Garden? How big are the plots? How much do they cost?The Garden currently has 80 plots, each measuring 4 by 8 feet (32 sq. ft.). Most plots are 24” high. The 20 accessible plots are 32” high. Fees are set annually. For 2021, the fee was $65 with 20% of plots being made available on a sliding-scale basis with a minimum fee of $10.
What about COVID?In the spring of 2020, community gardens were designated as essential services for the purpose of COVID-19 guideline application. During the 2021 season, the garden operated with some limitations around gathering sizes and each gardener was asked to sign an agreement on COVID-19 guidelines and safety protocols. In 2022 we will continue to follow the COVID-19 guidelines set out by the City of Ottawa, but are hoping to be available to run more in person events as maximum gathering sizes are raised.
How is the Garden funded?The Goldenrod Community Garden was established with a grant of $23,500 from the City of Ottawa’s Community Garden Development Fund, administered through Just Food. These funds were used to build the garden, including garden boxes, a shed, water system, fencing, etc. In 2022, we have applied for additional funding from the Community Garden Development Fund to support the building of 40 additional plots and a pollinator garden. Ongoing expenses for maintaining the Garden are generated by the membership through fees, fundraising, and grants.
How can I participate?There are many ways to get involved with the Goldenrod Community Garden. If you are interested in registering for a plot, please sign up on the waitlist. If you do not want a plot, you are still welcome to join the garden as a Friend. Friends of the Garden receive garden communications and are invited to all garden events. They are also welcome to volunteer on the board, committees or special events. Join as a friend. All members - both plot-holders and friends - are encouraged to get involved in the garden by participating in social and educational events, gardening activities, and volunteering on the board and the various committees that keep the garden running (currently properties, membership, pollinator garden, events and fundraising). Other volunteer activities will be advertised through the newsletter and by email to members as they arise.
How do I get there?The Goldenrod Community Garden is located at the north end of Tunneys Pasture on the east end of the National Capital Commission owned land between Goldenrod Driveway and the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway. There are OC Transpo bus stops for Routes 18,28, 54 and 58 five minutes away from the Garden on foot. The Tunney’s Pasture O-Train station is a ten-minute walk to the south. Parking is available to the public after working hours in the nearby Tunney’s Pasture parking lots. The Garden has good pedestrian and bicycle access from surrounding neighborhoods and the Kichi Sibi multi-use pathways.
Is the Garden wheelchair accessibleYes. Some of the garden beds have been built according to City of Ottawa specifications for accessible garden beds. These beds are higher off the ground, making them easier to access. In addition, as part of our lease with the NCC, the Garden will maintain a level path from the sidewalk ramp at the corner of Parkdale Ave. and Goldenrod Driveway, along the grassy margin of Goldenrod Driveway to the Garden entrance nearby.
Who are the community partners?The Goldenrod Community Garden is supported by the Community Garden Network. The Garden is partnered with the Somerset West Community Health Centre and Parkdale Food Centre.
Is there parking near the site?Parking is free after 5:00 pm and on weekends. For weekdays, the fees (as of March 2021) are: Daily rate: $10 Hourly rate: $2 to a maximum of $10 Parking is not permitted on Goldenrod Drive. Stopping breifly is allowed to drop off equipment and people. The fine for illegal parking, on the street or on government’s parking lots, is $25.