Our story
In 2006, a group of residents and local organizations started searching for land in eastern Kitchissippi for a large community garden. Progress was made in 2014 when 10 organizations and a number of residents appealed to the National Capital Commission (NCC) resulting in the NCC creating a pilot project for community gardens on urban lands. A pilot garden was launched in Woodpark near Lincoln Fields in June 2017.
Over the past few years, we - local residents and organizations - have continued advocating to the NCC on the need for a community garden in the Hintonburg-Mechanicsville area. This neighbourhood has been identified as a food desert, an area where residents do not have easy access to healthy and affordable food year-round.
In 2016, we secured $14,500 in funding from the Community Garden Development Fund for a community garden in Hintonburg-Mechanicsville. In 2020, Goldenrod Community Garden Project received approval to build a garden on a parcel of National Capital Commission (NCC) land located west of Parkdale, just north of the Tunney’s Pasture Complex, which we are calling the Goldenrod Community Garden.
The Goldenrod construction plan, developed in 2020 by a tireless group of volunteers, will construct up to 81 garden plots measuring 4 by 8 feet (32 sq. ft.) in 2021 with the intention of expanding and increasing that number over the next two years. There are plans to include a compact food forest and pollinator garden.