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Updated: May 5, 2021

It’s been a long time in the making but the garden is starting to take shape! Volunteers have been hard at work preparing and organizing the garden build this season, making sure it’s safe for everyone. The garden will be built in phases over the next few weeks.

Over the past weekend, volunteers moved lumber on site and built the first set of garden boxes. Follow along the build’s progress on Instagram.


Updated: May 6, 2021

In order to build and maintain the garden, we are looking for donations of the following tools. All donations should be in good working order.. If you have something to donate, please email us and we can arrange to pick it up.

  • A gas-powered lawnmower (working or repairable). Update: We have one!

  • Bow rakes ('Garden rakes') for spreading soil and other materials. These are NOT leaf rakes

  • Shovels and spades for moving materials around

  • Wheelbarrows


Updated: Apr 12, 2021

The GCG has applied for a Gardens for Good Grant. We need your help and support.

Please vote for our proposal before April 7th 1:00PM ET. You can vote for our proposal by logging onto There is a limit of one vote per entry.

Voting is open to anyone over 18 and a resident of one of 49 US or DC (excluding residents of AZ) and Canada (excluding residents of Quebec), so share this message with your friends and contacts across Canada and the US!

To make it easy, here is a message you can share:

Support the Goldenrod Community Garden. The Garden needs money to get built and run and has applied for a Gardens for Good Grant. Please support our entry. Just go to and vote for the Goldenrod Community Garden. If you are over 18 and live in the US (except AZ) or Canada (except Quebec) you can vote!

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