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Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

Goldenrod Community Garden acknowledges that our location is on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial. We are grateful to have the opportunity to be present, garden and gather in this territory.

Greetings Fellow Gardeners!

One morning last week, some members encountered a young man with a bicycle resting and reading in Goldenrod. No one knows if he stayed there overnight. Everyone was concerned for his welfare and, luckily, one of our interim Board members, Dietrich Sider, decided to try and engage with him. Here is Dietrich’s summary of that encounter:

“I spoke with him a couple of times that evening as we were working on site. He said he was waiting for his friend to get home and thought he would be able to get a meal and stay with him, and after a bit he packed up and rode off. He was quiet and private and I didn't probe further than making sure he was ok and that he knew where he could go for help if his plan didn't work out.

Without making any assumptions about this particular person's circumstances, I think the best thing we can do is to educate ourselves about how to respond compassionately in situations that may make us uncomfortable.”

Here are some resources:

The Well - extensive list of resources

The Parkdale Food Centre

Is it carrot or is it ragweed??

We all aware of ragweed and the allergic reaction it can cause. It is self-seeding and invasive. Unfortunately ragweed is currently growing in many Goldenrod plots.

Ragweed has the appearance of a solid, bushy fern while carrot seedlings are much more delicate and have a feathery look – see pictures provided below. The shade of green of the leaves is also different.

Ragweed starts blooming in mid-July. If allowed to release its pollen, all plots will be infected as well as the NCC land where it currently appears to be non-existent. We ask for your cooperation in removing ragweed from your plots.

Make sure you pull out the entire root and please do not put it in the compost bins as its seeds might be spread on the plots next spring. Instead throw it in the white garbage bag left near the water tanks behind the shed.

Carrot seedling Common ragweed

Official Opening of the Goldenrod Community Garden

An Official Opening of the Goldenrod Community Garden really is coming soon! Because of Covid restrictions, the format will be video. It is a great video! Stay tuned for more details and links.

Getting to know you, Goldenrod

A shantytown nicknamed Le Port once stood on the location we now call Goldenrod Community Garden. In the 1930’s the Great Depression pushed many residents of Mechanicsville and Hintonburg into homelessness. They

gathered on the land south of the Ottawa River.

Source: City of Ottawa Archives, CA-18439

Please read this fascinating article by Dave Alston in the Kitchissippi Times. Dave Allston is a local historian and the author of the Kitchissippi Museum.

Tunney’s Pasture redevelopment

What happens at Tunney's Pasture will have a significant impact on the residents of our neighbourhood; the housed and the homeless, the advantaged and the disadvantaged.

The community associations representing Wellington Village, Champlain Park, Hintonburg and Mechanicsville have formed Neighbours for Tunney’s to focus on these and other Tunney’s Pasture redevelopment-related issues. Click this link for more information.

Please Donate

Goldenrod Community Garden exists because of the generous support of people like you. Please consider donating funds to our Phase 2 Build and to our ongoing maintenance costs. (Water, water, water…)


Remember to visit the Kitchissippi outdoor Community Fridge. The rules of community fridges are simple: take what you need, leave what you can. Please find more information here.

Add your name to the Plot Waitlist for 2022

Please find further details here

Become a Friend of the Goldenrod Community Garden

Anyone can become a Friend; you don’t have to have a plot or even live in Kitchissippi. Please find more information here.

Member Engagement Committee

Interested in helping to plan and execute events and activities at Goldenrod? There’s still time to join! We ask you to please complete this form


Updated: Jul 21, 2021

Greetings Fellow Gardeners!

Straw arrived at Goldenrod on Thursday June 29. Help yourself! Using straw as mulch cuts down on weed growth and helps the soil to retain moisture. Does it also help to dissuade critters? We hope so because…

Gophers and rabbits and field mice - oh my! Many furry friends have noticed that good things are growing at Goldenrod. Gardeners have constructed all manner of netting and fencing. If your solution is successful, please post about it on Goldenrod’s FaceBook page! Besides fencing, some suggestions include planting marigolds, nasturtiums, garlic and sprinkling cayenne powder.

Here’s an update from the Build team:

The build committee has been busy building the shed and the screen fences that will be used to hide the water tanks. The next build project is the compost bins, starting very soon. These build projects are all still works in progress. Please take care around them. We'll be sending more information about the use of the shed and the compost area when each one is 'ready to roll'

A young member named Solan told us that there is a wandering garden gnome at Goldenrod. Has this visitor been spotted in your plot?

People are bird and bug watching, too! Ian spotted an osprey overhead and it was carrying a fish while being chased by red-wing blackbirds. And Goldenrod is ringed by native pollinator plants in full bloom including wild lupins and milkweed and snapdragons. The area is teeming with bees and butterflies.

An Official Opening of the Goldenrod Community Garden is coming soon! Stay tuned for more details and links.

Check out this new Gardening Tips page on our website.

ANNOUNCEMENT - An outdoor Community Fridge in Kitchissippi is now open for food donations (like Goldenrod Garden produce).

This community fridge is the result of a partnership between Hintonburg Community Association and the Parkdale Food Centre.

The rules of community fridges are simple: take what you need, leave what you can. Please find more information here.


In plot 64 you will find Catherine tending to a crop of potatoes! She planted potatoes because they are easy to share. The plants are called Snow Fingers - a Fingerling variety that should produce up to 30 small-to-medium sized potatoes per plant. The good news is that (so far) furry friends are totally ignoring them. The bad news? She might have planted them too close together…


Just Food is a local, non-profit, community-based organization that works on both rural and urban food and farming issues in Ottawa and the surrounding region. Their partnership with Goldenrod has been crucial both as a facilitator and as a major financial donor. We are grateful for their support.

The primary mission of Goldenrod Community Garden aligns with Just Food’s: To enhance ongoing access to healthful food for everyone, especially the food-insecure, in Kitchissippi and to strengthen community bonds through community gardening.

A Note from our Interim Board President, Susan Harvey

Hello Gardeners and Friends of the Garden. The garden is looking lovely and I am sure we are all happy to have received some much needed rain after such a dry May.

Less than a year ago there were 7 of us meeting by Zoom every week trying to get the garden planned, approved and funded. Since that time our ranks have thankfully been bolstered by a number of other volunteers to help with communication, fundraising, managing membership, garden building and maintenance. It has been really exciting to see everything starting to come together and plants in the plots!

As all members of your interim board are volunteers, most of whom have full time jobs and busy home lives, it can take a bit of time for us to get things organized and reach back out to members who are interested in getting involved. We appreciate your patience. This week we are working to establish a Membership Engagement Committee that will help organize events for Garden Members.

What’s next?

Below you will find a brief outline of the items on the agenda for the garden over the summer and into the fall. More information and requests for help will follow as we start to get these organized.

Garden Visioning

We want the running of the garden to reflect what the members of the garden would like, so we plan to run an event a bit later this summer or early fall that will allow us to gather and incorporate those ideas into the garden.

Phase 2 Build

To make the build and funding request more manageable last year we divided the garden building into 2 phases. The NCC has approved the land use for both phases and Just Foods has indicated they are willing to fund the second phase but it needs more planning on our part to understand how many more plots we need, water tank locations etc. We have learned a lot from the 1st build that we want to consider in this next phase. The board will be looking for interested members who want to participate in the organizing and building of a Phase 2 to step forward sometime this summer.

Pollinator Garden

There has been a lot of interest in setting up a pollinator garden. Rest assured that this is part of the plan approved by the NCC for the garden. We will be looking for a group of volunteers to review the site plan approved by the NCC, consult their guidelines for pollinator gardens and put together a plan to present to the Interim board for approval and implementation.The timing for this will likely be late summer into the fall as that is generally the best time to transplant perennials.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM is your chance to participate in the governance of the garden. The draft roles and responsibilities of the board are all outlined in the documents posted on the Garden web page. These will be finalized before the AGM. At the AGM each of the committees and certain members of the board will present their final annual reports including financial reports, membership reports etc. The board of directors for the following year are nominated and elected at the AGM. All garden members including Friends of the garden have a vote. The AGM will be held this fall after everyone has had a summer in the garden and those with children have had a chance to settle back into a new routine.



Goldenrod Community Garden (GCG) membership committee is proud to announce that all of the plots for the 2021 season have been filled. We are excited to now look ahead to the 2022 Gardening Season. If you live in Kitchissippi, currently do not have a plot and are interested in a garden plot for next year, we would invite you to sign up now. Please find further details here


Anyone can become a FRIEND of the Goldenrod Community Garden; you don’t have to have a plot or even live in Kitchissippi. For as little as $10, FRIENDS will be included on member communications and be invited to all events. Your donation will support gardeners for whom the plot fee is a financial barrier. To become a FRIEND, please complete this form.

Please note: plot members do not need to apply because your inclusion as a FRIEND was automatically granted when you paid your plot fee.

Member Engagement Committee

Interested in helping to plan and execute events and activities at Goldenrod? There’s still time to join! We ask you to please complete this form


Updated: Jul 21, 2021

Greetings Fellow Gardeners!

There was a lot happening at Goldenrod this past week. Most importantly, we were gifted with what farmers refer to as a “million dollar rain”; warm, gentle and it continued for a number of days. Everybody’s plants look strong and healthy.

Goldenrod’s new garden shed is almost finished and we can’t thank Dietrich and his crew enough! We look forward to seeing the new roof, which will direct run-off into a rain barrel, and this will be very helpful in case of another dry spell.

Speaking of dry spells…Straw will be delivered soon and members are invited to use it to mulch their beds.

There is so much enthusiasm for a Pollinator Garden and it is definitely one of Goldenrod’s priorities but this may not happen until 2022 because the location of a Pollinator Garden depends on how big our 2022 stage 2 Build will be. Many members have volunteered to help plant it, take care of it, donate seedlings, etc. and we thank you. The Board will update everyone once they know more.

Design is finalized for the official sign for Goldenrod Community Garden! Installation will take place soon, hopefully the first week in July.

You have probably noticed that the temporary paper plot numbers are flying away? Please gather them up for recycling. Permanent plot labeling is coming soon.


Last week we invited everyone to “engage with the Board”. Did you spot anyone sporting a bright yellow arm band? Did you get to share gardening tips? Compare tomato plantings?

Today we’d like to introduce Goldenrod’s interim Board members by name because they are delightful, hard-working and responsible for so much. They act as Treasurer, Registrar, President, Secretary as well as heading all kinds of committees like Build, Fundraising, Communications, etc.

Susan H. Diane M. Al W. Allegra N. Sara C. Bryn L. Carmel B. Amanda J. Tanya S. Dietrich S.


Goldenrod Community Garden would not exist without the support of the NCC. We have been allowed to use this area of land by the National Capital Commission of Ottawa/Gatineau and for this we are grateful. Community building through community gardening promotes community well-being - a vision the NCC shares with Goldenrod. Cheers to the dedicated group of volunteers who worked for almost a decade to secure this partnership.


Goldenrod Community Garden acknowledges that our location is on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial. We are grateful to have the opportunity to be present in this territory.


JULY 1st is the DEADLINE to plant your plots.

All of the plots for the 2021 season have been allotted but some beds remain unplanted. On JULY 1st, any vacant plots will be given to people on the Goldenrod Community Garden waitlist.

Member Engagement Committee

Interested in helping to plan and execute events and activities at Goldenrod? There’s still time to join! We ask you to please complete this form



Anyone can become a FRIEND of the Goldenrod Community Garden; you don’t have to have a plot or even live in Kitchissippi. For as little as $10, FRIENDS will be included on member communications and be invited to all events. Your donation will support gardeners for whom the plot fee is a financial barrier. To become a FRIEND, please complete this form.

Please note: plot members do not need to apply because your inclusion as a FRIEND was automatically granted when you paid your plot fee.

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