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Updated: Jul 21, 2021

Greetings Fellow Gardeners!

There was a lot happening at Goldenrod this past week. Most importantly, we were gifted with what farmers refer to as a “million dollar rain”; warm, gentle and it continued for a number of days. Everybody’s plants look strong and healthy.

Goldenrod’s new garden shed is almost finished and we can’t thank Dietrich and his crew enough! We look forward to seeing the new roof, which will direct run-off into a rain barrel, and this will be very helpful in case of another dry spell.

Speaking of dry spells…Straw will be delivered soon and members are invited to use it to mulch their beds.

There is so much enthusiasm for a Pollinator Garden and it is definitely one of Goldenrod’s priorities but this may not happen until 2022 because the location of a Pollinator Garden depends on how big our 2022 stage 2 Build will be. Many members have volunteered to help plant it, take care of it, donate seedlings, etc. and we thank you. The Board will update everyone once they know more.

Design is finalized for the official sign for Goldenrod Community Garden! Installation will take place soon, hopefully the first week in July.

You have probably noticed that the temporary paper plot numbers are flying away? Please gather them up for recycling. Permanent plot labeling is coming soon.


Last week we invited everyone to “engage with the Board”. Did you spot anyone sporting a bright yellow arm band? Did you get to share gardening tips? Compare tomato plantings?

Today we’d like to introduce Goldenrod’s interim Board members by name because they are delightful, hard-working and responsible for so much. They act as Treasurer, Registrar, President, Secretary as well as heading all kinds of committees like Build, Fundraising, Communications, etc.

Susan H. Diane M. Al W. Allegra N. Sara C. Bryn L. Carmel B. Amanda J. Tanya S. Dietrich S.


Goldenrod Community Garden would not exist without the support of the NCC. We have been allowed to use this area of land by the National Capital Commission of Ottawa/Gatineau and for this we are grateful. Community building through community gardening promotes community well-being - a vision the NCC shares with Goldenrod. Cheers to the dedicated group of volunteers who worked for almost a decade to secure this partnership.


Goldenrod Community Garden acknowledges that our location is on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation whose presence here reaches back to time immemorial. We are grateful to have the opportunity to be present in this territory.


JULY 1st is the DEADLINE to plant your plots.

All of the plots for the 2021 season have been allotted but some beds remain unplanted. On JULY 1st, any vacant plots will be given to people on the Goldenrod Community Garden waitlist.

Member Engagement Committee

Interested in helping to plan and execute events and activities at Goldenrod? There’s still time to join! We ask you to please complete this form



Anyone can become a FRIEND of the Goldenrod Community Garden; you don’t have to have a plot or even live in Kitchissippi. For as little as $10, FRIENDS will be included on member communications and be invited to all events. Your donation will support gardeners for whom the plot fee is a financial barrier. To become a FRIEND, please complete this form.

Please note: plot members do not need to apply because your inclusion as a FRIEND was automatically granted when you paid your plot fee.


Updated: Jul 21, 2021

Member Engagement Committee

We are launching the Membership Engagement Committee to plan events and activities primarily for members: both members and Friends of the GCG (non-plot members), and to possibly extend some events to the broader community. This committee will coordinate with the Volunteer Coordinator and Communications Committee to organize and communicate events.

Events and activities may include educational webinars, seed and plant exchanges, mentorship matching, and eventually community events, such as potlucks, or picnic and learn, as well as other ideas folks may have. All events must be presented to the Board of Directors for approval prior to proceeding, and must meet all health restrictions currently in place.

This committee will also be responsible for planning the yearly Garden opening and closing, and assisting the Board in preparing for the Annual General Meeting and a GCG visioning event anticipated for this fall.

If you are interested in either leading or joining this committee, please complete this form by the end of the week.

Friends of the GCG

Anyone interested in supporting or getting involved in the garden community, but who does not have a plot, is invited to join as a Friend of the Goldenrod Community Garden. For as little as $10, Friends of the GCG will be included on member communications and be invited to all events. To become a member, complete this form.

Wait List Update, June 2021

Goldenrod Community Garden (GCG) membership committee is proud to announce that all of the plots for the 2021 season have been filled. Current gardeners have until the July 1st deadline to plant their garden plot and, at present, there remains a possibility that a few plots will be offered at that time. Offers will go out as soon as possible to existing wait list gardeners.


Updated: Jul 21, 2021

It has been such a delight to visit the garden and see our members planting, watering, weeding, and nurturing plants and meeting new neighbours. Thank you to all the volunteers, many of whom gave and are giving their time and do not have a plot.

Message from the Interim Board

Welcome everyone to Goldenrod Community Garden. We have just started. Over the summer, there will be more building in the garden. We will grow our plants and get to know each other a little better. The garden is currently being run by an interim board and has several committees working to help the garden get up and running including communications, build, membership, and fundraising. Our interim board meets every 1-2 weeks right now. Stay tuned for future notices for the meeting for anyone who wants to come and listen on Zoom. A visioning session is planned for the garden in the fall as well as a general meeting where the garden's first formal board will be elected.

Water tanks are almost empty

As of the afternoon of June 12th, the water tanks are almost depleted. We went through the water a lot more quickly than expected, which has budget implications. We ask that you conserve water as much as possible and use mulch. We are looking into sourcing some mulch for our garden.

Less frequent watering helps plants to develop good root structures. In general plants do not need to be watered everyday. See these links for tips on watering.

Gardeners should plan to bring their own water to their plot until our water supplier can fill the tanks, which is expected to be on Tuesday for sure, and if his schedule permits he may be able to do so late Monday.

Non-plot members

Non-plot members will soon be welcomed. For $10, per year, anyone (even those outside of Kitchissippi) can become a non-plot member of the GCG. Members may pay more if they wish to support community gardeners for whom the plot fee is a barrier.

Membership engagement

We will soon be convening a committee for membership engagement to plan and hold virtual gatherings such as plant and seed swapping, presentations/talks on gardening.

We have launched a private Facebook group to help members interact with one another. If you are a member and want to join the Facebook group, please send a message to to have an invitation sent to you to join the group.

Shed build coming

The tool shed is coming! Construction will take place on site June 18, 19, 20.

Friday night: receiving and moving lumber. Some cutting with power tools may also take place

all day Saturday and most of Sunday: constructing a shed.

Some work will take place in the open area near the pallet storage, and the rest will take place in the shed location, beside the clump of 4 water tanks. Power tools and a generator will be in use for a good part of the time.

We ask members to exercise caution and provide the volunteers space to work safely.

Social gatherings at the garden site are not permitted

A reminder of the COVID-19 Guidelines that all members agreed to. Social gatherings are not permitted on the GCG site. To help with physical distancing, we ask garden members to avoid gathering with other members within the garden site (beyond a quick hello). We are finding the garden to be busy. Thank you for your cooperation.

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