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The Goldenrod Community Garden Interim Board of Directors would like to send our heartfelt thanks to all of the volunteers that helped make this garden a reality. Through your assistance and efforts we have been able to raise over $10000, build and fill the beds and water tanks required to get the garden going, engage community members and partners, and establish an equitable and simple process for garden members to get access to plots, and so much more. These are just the first steps in what promises to be a cornerstone for building community in the area. For the volunteers remaining as active members of the garden we very much look forward to continuing to work with you and to the day when we can meet and give you our thanks in person. For those who selflessly offered your time and labour but are not going to remain active members of the garden we add a special thanks and appreciate that you have gifted us with your time and labour, to help establish a garden that will provide many in the community with a source of fresh food throughout the summer for years to come. Sincerely, Susan Harvey Interim President Goldenrod Community Garden


Today at 4:52, we received notice that the last box is filled! Thank you for your patience. Now, everyone who has an assigned plot can plant. There is extra soil for top up, etc. in a pile to the side.

extra soil for top up, etc. In a pile to the side.


It has been so nice to see people in the garden planting, watering, and chatting this weekend!

The soil slinger is expected back on site tomorrow to fill the beds that do not yet have soil. The slinger will be there as early as 7:30 am tomorrow (Monday), and may also be there in the afternoon. Please use common sense if you are at the garden when the soil slinger is there.

As well, ticks have been reported at the garden site. Please remember to use precautions and check for ticks.

Here is some information about black legged tickes from Ottawa Public Health.

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